River Witham

River Witham
River Witham near Barkston, Lincolnshire

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

A sign of things to come? Dry, so dry.

See Dry Fly Expert's piece on the Lathkill  and the BBC report with the EA man.  Is this really a sign of times to come. I hope not. If the trout lose spawning areas, we lose the trout to catch and biodiversity takes a further nose-dive!


  1. Hopefully things change for the better and the fish are able to spawn. Good luck and tight lines.

  2. Hi Buddy,

    Been having a nice time with the carp on nymph and off the top,best 23 lb.

    We must get together and have a session next season? Will you go to the club AGM?

    Would like a grayling trip too?

  3. Yep I'll be at the AGM. Just been to Grayling Soc w/e on the Eden (post to come), going to the Derwent near Newcastle this w/e, and Derbys Derwent next w/e with local branch of the Grayling Soc. But I'm up for a further grayling trip in Dec. PM me (try Pete Connor for my email)
